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Life Writer Launch: A New Voice Joins the Collective Chorus

Writer's picture: Deborah ArleneDeborah Arlene

I have been pro-life for as long as I can remember, probably all the way back to age 14 when I became pregnant with my son. But my heart has been especially drawn to the issue of abortion ever since I gave my life to Christ in 1997. Since then, I’ve read books, websites, and blogs about abortion. I’ve watched pro-life movies. While in college at the age of 40 something, I did research in order to write many pro-life papers. I volunteered at a pregnancy care center, and later became the director of that center. I’ve spoken to women who were considering having an abortion and to women who have already had an abortion. I have prayed many prayers for life. I have spoken in churches about the issue of life. And most recently, I’ve written a pro-life novel.

Years ago, someone suggested that I start a blog. I protested by saying that there were too many voices out there already, and I saw no need to contribute to the growing cacophony. Everyone had an opinion about everything, and it was, well, it was just too much noise for me. Or, perhaps if I peer a bit deeper into my heart, insecurity or fear may have actually been the cause of my hesitation. No matter the reason, I just didn’t feel that I was supposed to blog at the time.

Fast forward about eight years, and suddenly, I believe the Lord is directing me to blog. Me? Blog? I’m the Facebook friend who “likes” and “loves” lots of posts, but rarely comments. I’m also the person who shares things on my wall that others have posted, but I rarely include comments of my own on those shares. I’m an introvert, and yes, even on social media (I just created a Twitter account a few months ago for the first time). When I think of bloggers, for some reason, I think they just have to be extroverts. I’d rather write fiction books.

However, if I’ve learned anything while being a Christian, it is to be obedient when the Lord specifically directs me to do something. But please understand --- I’m certainly not saying that my blogs will contain the divine words of Jesus (well, only if I quote scripture). I’m human so my writings will be quite imperfect, and I am definitely not a theologian.

Furthermore, there are excellent Christian pro-life bloggers and websites out there already. I’m not trying to do what they’re doing. I’m simply going to be me, a bit rough around the edges, but with a great passion for life. My heart’s desire is to write for Jesus and for His glory.

You could say that I’m pro-life, pro-abundant life and pro-eternal life.

I’ve just published a pro-life Christian novel entitled The Dream (available here). While it is most definitely a story about abortion, it is also a story about Jesus, forgiveness, relationships, prayer, obedience to God, the coming together of generations, and so much more. The situations mirror real-life and deal with abortion from the perspective of the father of an aborted baby.

My Writer of Light blog on the other hand, will contain true personal stories about what it was like for me to be a teen mom, what I’ve learned from my walk with Jesus, as well as opinions I’ve developed over the years as a result of a variety of experiences. Not every blog will be about abortion; many of them will be about walking with Jesus.

As I prayed about why I am blogging at this time, a couple of things came to the forefront of my mind.

1) Timing.

If we consider all that has been happening recently, it is clear that something is afoot. Things are shifting, though to what end exactly remains to be seen. Numerous pro-life bills have been introduced in states across the country in response to a slew of radical abortion laws and bills in several states, and there is much buzz about the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade at some point.

Christians held a Day of Mourning in Albany, NY on February 23 and Richmond, VA on April 6 to fast, pray, and repent for the sin of abortion.

Recent excellent pro-life movies -- Gosnell last year and then Unplanned at the end of March of this year -- are bringing much needed awareness to the public’s eye about the horrors of abortion. (If you haven’t seen these movies, please do! Both are excellent and a must see for everyone.)

2) Calling.

God has clearly called me to write this blog, and if you are reading it, he may be calling you to step out in some way as well. Over forty six years and over 61 million babies lost to abortion is far too long and far, far too many.

Each one of us is created uniquely by the hand of God, with purpose, and with gifts and talents that He wants us to use for His purposes. If you’re pro-abortion, perhaps the Lord is leading you to reconsider your views. If you’re pro-life, perhaps the Lord is calling you to step out in a way that is unique to you, and you alone. No one else shares your DNA. No one else shares your fingerprint. No one else shares the divine purpose for which you were created…for such a time as this.

It is time for us to use our individual and our collective voices for life, wherever we are, in our spheres of influence. Each one of us can make a difference. If we truly want to see abortion become unthinkable, we must stand for life wherever we are and in whatever ways we can.

Some other quick facts about me and my blog:

I’m passionate about having a genuine walk with the Lord. I’m 100 percent pro-life from conception to natural death. I desire to dwell in the light of Christ, and I pray that His light, His love and His heart resonate from me and my writings. I’m far from perfect, and I have plenty of struggles to be more like Christ, but I’m teachable, and I’m learning.

My initial plans are to write about once a month. I’m not trying to wow you with flowery prose or compete with anyone else. Unless the Lord leads, I won’t be writing about today’s news stories; there are plenty of people already doing that. I won’t include links to extensive research because I’m not writing a master’s thesis, just sharing a few thoughts (but I do encourage you to do your own research and let the Lord take you on a journey, as he did me).

These blogs will simply be written from my heart with a desire to honor Jesus. Father God, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me (Psalm 51:10).

Each blog will have scripture references, because I believe there is life in God’s Holy Word…and prayer covering, because I can do nothing without Him.

I pray that the words I share will be gentle, wise, truthful and Holy Spirit breathed.

May you be blessed, and may you know deeply the life giver, Jesus Christ.

In Christ’s Love,

Deborah Arlene Author of The Dream

Writer of Light – #1


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Deborah Arlene
Deborah Arlene
03 ก.ย. 2562

Thank you danalouhoo!


22 มิ.ย. 2562

I’m excited to follow your blog and your journey.



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© 2019 by Deborah Arlene.

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